Navigating The Pothole Predicament: When to Call For A Tow

Potholes are the bane of every driver’s existence, lurking on roads like hidden traps waiting to wreak havoc on our vehicles without notice. Striking one unexpectedly can lead to various damages, ranging from flat tires to more severe issues. Our guide will help you explore practical ways to handle the pothole predicament and provide insights into when to call a towing company.

What Do I Do If I Hit A Pothole?

When you hit a pothole, it can often seem like you’ve done serious damage to your vehicle – thankfully, that’s not always the case. If you have run through a pothole and are concerned about damage, take these steps to determine what to do next.

  • Assess the Situation. The first step after hitting a pothole is to assess the immediate impact on your vehicle. Pay attention to any unusual sounds, vibrations, or steering issues. If you notice a drastic change in your vehicle’s performance, it’s essential to proceed with caution.
  • Inspect Your Tires. Potholes are notorious for causing flat tires or damaging the sidewalls. After hitting a pothole, pull over to a safe location and inspect your tires for visible signs of damage. Look for bulges, cuts, or any irregularities. If you notice any of these, you should replace the damaged tire immediately.
  • Check for Alignment Issues. Potholes can knock your vehicle’s wheels out of alignment, leading to uneven tire wear and handling problems. If you experience drifting or pulling to one side, it’s crucial to have your alignment checked by a professional mechanic.
  • Examine the Suspension System. Potholes can take a toll on your vehicle’s suspension system. Listen for unusual noises, such as clunks or squeaks, which might indicate damage to the shocks, struts, or other suspension components. If you suspect any issues, having a qualified mechanic inspect your suspension system is best.
  • Monitor Fluid Levels. A hard impact from a pothole can sometimes cause leaks in your vehicle’s fluids. Check the ground beneath your car for any signs of leaking oil, transmission fluid, or coolant. If you notice any leaks, do not attempt to drive the vehicle, as it may cause further damage.
  • Drive Cautiously. Driving cautiously is still advisable if your vehicle seems to function correctly after hitting a pothole. Pay attention to any changes in your vehicle’s performance and be aware of potential hidden damages that may manifest over time.


How Do I Know If I Should Find A Towing Company Near Me?

Sometimes, calling a towing company is the safest and most responsible course of action. Consider the following scenarios:

  • If your vehicle has a flat tire, and you don’t have a spare or the tools to change it, you need a tow truck.
  • If severe damage to the suspension renders the vehicle unsafe, call a towing company near you!
  • If you notice fluid leaks and are unsure about the extent of the damage, your towing professionals can help.
  • When your vehicle exhibits significant mechanical issues, such as engine problems or a compromised transmission, remember that professional towing companies like Tow Pro can get to your location quickly to assist you.

Potholes may be unavoidable on our roads here in Middle Tennessee, but being prepared to handle the aftermath of a collision with one is essential for every driver. By promptly assessing and addressing any damages, you can minimize the long-term impact on your vehicle. However, when in doubt, always prioritize safety and consider calling a towing company like Tow Pro to ensure your and your vehicle’s well-being.

While prevention can help immensely, you can’t 100 percent avoid accidents altogether- it happens to the best of us! Tow Pro is the way to go if you need roadside assistance, light/medium duty towing, and other towing/hauling services! We are THE towing experts with an emphasis on customer service. When you call our reps, we guarantee you’ll speak to a human, not a robot.


Please contact us at (615) 256-TOWS (8697). We serve several locations and can quickly be at your Middle Tennessee location to help you manage damage.

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