Jumper cables hooked to a car battery

What Are The Signs of a Dying Car Battery?

It can be frustrating if you are running late for a meeting and start your car, but it refuses to turn on! We’ve all been there, but many a time, we often miss the red flags that our car displays when it needs a battery change. While Tow Pro offers jump-starts to your vehicle if you need it, we have listed below some of the most common signs of a dying car battery. This is so you can take measures to replace the battery before it ultimately gives out and leaves you stranded in the middle of the road. 

What Are Some Of The Most Common Signs Of A Dying Car Battery?

  • If you insert your keys and find that your car takes a few seconds for the engine to start, a battery change is on the horizon! Since your car’s battery is an essential component for the engine to run, buy a new car battery from your local auto repair store before you need to have your car jump-started. 
  • Your dashboard lights flickering is a surefire sign that your car battery’s lifespan is dwindling. Even though your battery is responsible for getting your engine started, it also supplies power to your car’s dashboard and other electrical components
  • If your headlights dim when your car is slowing down, it may be a sign of your car’s dying battery. In some cases, if your headlights dim when accelerating or braking, your vehicle may need a new alternator belt, or your alternator may need repairs as a whole. Your car battery may not be the only reason causing your headlights to dim, but it’s better to be safe than sorry!

How Can You Fix A Dead Car Battery?

  • Tools you should have in your arsenal, in this case, should include jumper cables and a second battery as well as a battery booster. These tools may be enough to jump-start the vehicle, but one thing to note: do NOT attempt to jump-start a frozen battery- it could explode!
  • If low electrolyte levels are the issue, you can use Epsom salt to revive your car’s battery by making an electrolyte solution. Epsom salt might help even out the chemical imbalance and deliver enough charge to start the engine due to its diversity in hydrates. 
  • You can also use distilled water to submerge the plates, giving the engine more runs. You can use distilled water as an electrolyte booster, making it an alternative to Epsom salt. 

Emergencies don’t have a 9-5 job like most people do. At Tow Pro, we provide top-of-the-line roadside assistance services 24/7. With customer service being our #1 priority (yes, we have REAL people answering questions in real-time!), we offer prompt roadside service just one call away. While being stuck in an unfamiliar area is a vulnerable position to be in, we have the expertise and equipment to get you back on the road after this inconvenience. Contact us at (615) 256- TOWS (8697), and let us get you back on the road!

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